Susana Hernández


Pretend It’s a Forest

Pretend It’s a Forest

By Susana Hernández

September 11, 2024

Local resident suggests innovative ideas to boost tourism in Downieville, amid declining foot traffic.

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Pretend It’s a Forest

Pretend It’s a Forest

By Susana Hernández

August 27, 2024

The meaning behind “Pretend It’s a Forest”: a reminder to respect and adapt to life in Downieville’s natural surroundings.

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Pretend It’s a Forest

Pretend It’s a Forest

By Susana Hernández

July 30, 2024

A first-time visitor to Reno reflects on the allure of casinos and suggests alternative, community-focused ways to spend money.

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Pretend It’s a Forest

Pretend It’s a Forest

By Susana Hernández

July 17, 2024

A non-biking local shares predictions and experiences of Downieville’s biking festival.

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Pretend It’s a Forest

Pretend It’s a Forest

By Susana Hernández

July 5, 2024

With summer comes a surge of new faces, packed parking lots, and bikes everywhere.

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Pretend It’s a Forest

Pretend It’s a Forest

By Susana Hernández

June 19, 2024

I’m often labeled as judgmental, which I believe comes from my standards, observation, and honesty—the very essence of this column.

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Pretend It’s a Forest

Pretend It’s a Forest

By Susana Hernández

June 5, 2024

“The grass is always greener on the other side” is a common saying that stands the test of time, remaining particularly relevant now that we have a wider window into people’s lives through social media—which I personally try to avoid as much as I can.

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Pretend It’s a Forest

Pretend It’s a Forest

By Susana Hernández

May 22, 2024

Once you move into the mountains—yes, full-time—you start missing some of the conveniences you once had, like Japanese food, reliable Wi-Fi, and the ability to get anything delivered.

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Pretend It’s a Forest

Pretend It’s a Forest

By Susana Hernández

May 9, 2024

As many of you know, I’m a recent transplant to this town. Arriving in December introduced me to a seemingly hibernating Downieville, where locals were the main inhabitants, which helped us to quickly learn names and faces, making these newcomers feel like part of the community with ease.

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