Public Health Lookout
By Deborah Perkins
September 3, 2024
Understanding cholesterol, its types, effects, and how to manage it for a healthier life.
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Public Health Lookout
December 6, 2023
“Struggle and pain is real. We’ve all been there on some level or another.” — Dwayne JohnsonThe holidays are upon us. You can feel it in the air. (Along with the bite of freezing weather). People are gathering with family and friends. Decorations are going up. Children and adults are excited about the upcoming break from school or work. But this is not true for everyone. So many people find the holidays to be sad, lonely, anxious, and depressive. Even people who normally enjoy the season can suffer the blues, but we should be mindful that there may be a reason that they feel this way. More than half of people diagnosed with mental illnesses state that the holidays make their conditions worse. The holidays can put a lot of pressure and stress on people.All people feel down occasionally, but for most, it is only temporary. The expectations that we put on ourselves can be harmful to our mental health by trying to make the perfect holiday, whether trying to outdo a
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