What’s the Matter With Sierra County?

By Don Russell

December 1, 2022

In 1896, and again in 2004, books entitled “What’s the Matter With Kansas” became best sellers. Both, the former by Willian Allen White, the latter by Thomas Frank, were critical of the governance of the authors’ home state, although the political winds of the state had shifted diametrically over the intervening 108 years.

Both complained that Kansas voters consistently opted against their own best interests. We steal that title to make the following observations of Sierra voters.

In our recent election a slim majority (52-48) wanted to further insure Californian’s right to abortion. OK, we realize the papists remain a virulent political force. Nevertheless, by a 63—37 vote Sierra’s voters supported a candidate opposed to any abortion for any reason.

We presumed the average age of Sierra County residents is 87, but a brief sojourn into research proves that presumption mistaken. The actual average age is closer to 69 years old.

That means half of us Sierrans are near 70 years old, explaining why a county of 3,000 people has seven post offices. The 5,000 people in Antarctica have only one. But those 5,000 people are working. In Sierra County the air is routinely polluted as heavy duty trucks haul pension and social security checks in to the huddled masses.

So please explain why the old farts of Sierra County routinely vote for a political party that has made no secret of wanting to do away with social security and health care?

“Oh, they’d never do that,” you explain.

Yeah? There was a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to abortion until a few weeks ago. Republicans abolished that right, yet our voters trust their old age promise to that same fickle power cabal. Don’t budget your social security check until it’s in the bank.

Of course, if there’s one thing we dislike it’s those elite, pointy headed intellectuals who have no life experience relating to us. So we recently voted for a rich kid from Granite Bay, with degrees from Harvard and Yale. His contempt for us hillbillies was demonstrated by his refusal to discuss any agenda, any principles he might have, and his television campaign was a series of ads attacking the folks he intends to join in D.C. His insult to us rubes was well calculated: he won.

Sierra County has a sterling reputation of defending against threats we do not have. Obama, certain to take our second amendment rights away, never lifted a finger toward such abolition.

“They’re socialists,” Trump brown-noser Doug LaMalfa’s staff would routinely describe any of the congressman’s political opposition.

Loyalton’s main drag has sidewalks because of State aid, certainly a demonstration of socialism. The proud power of private enterprise has left the Loyalton Mill an idle toxic waste site; no cogenerration even conceivable in the foreseeable future.

Meanwhile, the toy cogen plant in Camptonville, a community project, is making steady progress toward coming on line. Evidently, socialism makes more efficient progress.

But we’re Sierrans. Any dweeb political hack with an R after its name is good enough for us.

Go figure!

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