March 27, 2025
Ah, the sweet smell of spring is in the air. It is the springy time of year. Which, of course, raises the question: what exactly is spring?
Well, first of all, there is spring, the season. It is that time of year tucked in between winter and summer. It begins with the vernal equinox (this year at 2:01 AM PDT on March 20) and end with the summer solstice (this year at 7:42 PM PDT on June 20). At the beginning of the season, daytime and nighttime hours are equal; at the end of the season, daylight hours take up more of the 24 allotted hours each day.
Also, a spring is a source of water, issuing from the ground — of which we have many here in “our” mountains. And, using this as the basis for metaphor, spring can also refer to the source of action or motion.
Additionally, a spring can be (in the words of Merriam-Webster) “an elastic body or device that recovers its original shape when released after being distorted”, or (in the definition from Cambridge University) “something’s ability to return to its usual shape after it has been pressed”.
Further additionally, a spring might be that curved piece of metal used to give support in a piece of furniture.
And, finally as a noun, a spring is the act or an instance of leaping upward or forward.
Spring, also, can be considered as a verb. In this iteration, spring can mean: to move quickly and suddenly toward a particular place or to a new condition; to appear or exist suddenly, or to cause something to happen suddenly; to make a leap or a series of leaps; or, to release or cause to be released from confinement or custody.
So, it is evident that spring can affect our lives in many ways. Here are some ways that, perhaps, you haven’t immediately considered:
Springboard: a strong, flexible board from which one can jump in order to gain added impetus when performing a dive into a pool or a gymnastic movement.
Springbok: an antelope found mainly in south and southwest Africa. Both the female and male have a pair of black, 14-to-20 inch-long horns that curve backwards. The springbok is characterized by a white face, a dark stripe running from the eyes to the mouth, a light brown coat marked by a reddish-brown stripe that runs from the upper foreleg to the buttocks across the flank, and a white rump flap.
Spring chicken: informal term for a young person; often used as a negative, e.g., “You’re no spring chicken yourself anymore”. One should never eat this type of spring chicken.
Spring fever: any of a number of mood, physical, or behavioral changes which may be experienced coinciding with the onset of spring — particularly restlessness, laziness, and amorousness. The best cure for at least the first two of these is to visit your local library — and, if you are a book lover, perhaps the third one, as well.
Springerle: a German anise-flavored Christmas cookie with an embossed design on top made with a special rolling pin. (We are open to receiving gifts of these at the library.) The word translates as “little jumping horse”.
Springhare: (also, “springhass”) a large nocturnal burrowing rodent resembling a miniature kangaroo, with a rabbit-like head, long bushy tail (which comprises half of its body length), short front legs, and long hind limbs, native to southern Africa. Despite the name, it is not a hare.
Spring line: a hawser laid out diagonally aft from a ship’s bow or forward from a ship’s stern, and secured to a fixed point, in order to prevent movement or assist maneuvering.
Spring peeper: a small tree frog, widespread throughout the eastern U.S. and Canada, with brownish-gray skin, with a dark cross on its back. The males sing in early spring.
Bruce Springsteen: (middle names: Frederick Joseph) a United States rock singer, songwriter, and guitarist. Nickname: “the Boss”. His band is the E Street Band. Springsteen is a pioneer of heartland rock, combining commercially successful rock with poetic, socially conscious lyrics which reflect working class U.S. life. Some of his songs are, “Blinded by the Light”, “Born in the U.S.A.”, “Born to Run”, “Dead Man Walkin’”, “The Ghost of Tom Joad”, “Streets of Philadelphia”.
Spring has sprung! We invite you to spring on over to the library, where you will find a spring of knowledge and enjoyment.
March 28, 2025
Kevin Kiley addresses home insurance issues and national debt concerns in a recent District 3 town hall.
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March 27, 2025
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