Sheriff’s Blotter, 3/3 – 3/9

March 12, 2025

Monday, March 3

06:48 - Control burn in Sierra City.

08:05 - Ambulance requested in Downieville.

11:18 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.

11:55 - Juvenile issue at Loyalton High School.

12:12 - “Inquiry about a control burn near Verdi.”

13:40 - Mountain lion sighting in Downieville. This was compliments of my neighbor’s property camera footage. Two big cats were canvasing the area about forty-five minutes after a group of deer had congregated. Per her request, Hubby inspected her yard to ensure it was free of carnage.

13:49 - Loyaltonian assisted by Sheriff’s Office.

22:53 - Ambulance requested along SB Hwy 395.

23:55 - Mental health issue - appears to be outside of Sierra County.

Tuesday, March 4

02:38 - Information request from east side of the county.

03:37 - Ambulance requested in Calpine.

07:42 - Request for civil standby in Downieville.

07:47 - Control burn in Alleghany.

09:20 - Welfare check in Downieville ends on a good note.

10:14 - Report of trespassing on Downieville private property.

10:58 - Citizen assisted near Loyalton.

11:22 - Report of unregistered motorcycle in Downieville.

11:38 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.

14:19 - “Probation verified residency in Loyalton.”

15:23 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.

16:59 - Control burn near Antelope Valley.

Wednesday, March 5

07:40 - Control burn south of Sierraville.

08:54 - Juvenile problem near Bakersfield area turned over to relevant authorities.

09:09 - Control burn in Loyalton.

10:25 - CHP, Forest Service and SO responded to crash near Calpine. Individual taken to hospital.

12:01 - Loose dogs running around the highway near Coyoteville.

13:02 - Another juvenile problem at Loyalton High School.

13:14 - Civil dispute at restaurant near Sierraville.

15:04 - Civil dispute at Loyalton residence.

18:37 - Possible drunk driver in Loyalton. “Individual was not driving. No arrest made.”

19:55 - Control burn near Sattley.

21:49 - Caltrans reported suspicious vehicle near Calpine had moved on. CHP not needed.

Thursday, March 6

08:44 - CHP helped driver stuck in the snow on Hwy 49 near MM1.

08:47 - “Report of a vape pen filled with cannabis found on the school bus in Loyalton. Sierra County Probation notified and will be filing a report with the DA.” Learned the DA sits on the School Attendance Review Board that does any investigations on juveniles.

09:07 - Probation conducting searches near Alleghany.

09:50 - “Sierra County participated in a job fair at Feather River College.”

14:11 - “Intrado Life and Safety 911 service was temporarily down nation wide. Sierra County was not affected.”

18:57 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.

19:52 - “Report of child abuse in Loyalton.”

19:56 - “Report of child abuse in Loyalton.”

Friday, March 7

09:05 - Driver stuck in snow near Haskell Creek was able to get free.

10:01 - Probation transported one to Nevada County Jail to begin lodging.

12:43 - Loyalton caller reports another driver “yelling obscenities.”

15:09 - CHP notified of dogs running wild near Coyoteville.

17:43 - Burn piles “turning into an out of control fire” near Big Springs Gardens. Sierra City Fire and deputy responded. “The fires were put out.”

17:46 - “Unverified report of a restraining order violation” near Loyalton Middle School.

18:41 - Deputy experiencing mechanical issues near Sierra City.

23:43 - Investigation ongoing surrounding elder abuse report in Loyalton.

Saturday, March 8

07:31 - Ambulance requested near Pinto Trail.

10:57 - Accidental 911 in Loyalton.

11:51 - CHP notified of an off road vehicle driving through Downieville. ’Tis the season.

14:23 - Careflight transported injured snowmobile driver.

Sunday, March 9

08:10 - Stranded motorist near Pike was in good condition.

09:01 - Agency assisted with vehicle pursuit ending outside the county. No update at this time.

09:26 - “Report of a wolf encounter in Sierra Brooks. The wolf ended up being a dog that looked similar.”

15:06 - Mental health crisis in Loyalton.

15:19 - Welfare check request in Sierraville - no one home.

20:22 - Caltrans removed large boulder SB lane of Hwy 49 near Chapman Creek Campground.

22:49 - “Handicap tag that was not displayed properly” caused parking review in Loyalton.

Total Reported: 59

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