Monday, October 28
07:37 - Accidental 911 call in Verdi.
10:44 - Report of feral cats at Carlton Campground.
14:18 - “Deputy making a presence at Loyalton Schools.”
15:13 - Attempt was made by SO to serve paperwork to Loyaltonian.
15:25 - Lost dog in Loyalton found and returned to owners. Don’t you love a happy ending? I do! Reminds me of another book I’m going to purchase, recommended by Carl, Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. I was told, unfortunately, this book will not deliver a happy ending. Sigh.
21:50 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.
Tuesday, October 29
05:41 - Lift assistance requested in Loyalton.
10:33 - Child abuse reported in Downieville. Under investigation.
12:29 - “Sierra County Sheriff’s Office assisted in taking 911 calls for Plumas County Sheriff’s Office while their 911 lines were down.”
14:23 - Mountain lion in Loyalton spotted on neighborhood Ring cameras between 8:30-9:00 p.m. Being so close to Halloween- this is not a trick and certainly not a treat to concerned parents of kiddos who will be out and about.
17:18 - Deputy responded to Pike area and found no illegal campfires as reported.
Wednesday, October 30
09:47 - One violated probation and was arrested near Sierra Brooks.
10:39 - Ambulance requested relayed appropriately to Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office.
13:14 - Meanwhile, around Lewis Track in Sierra City: “Report of an aggressive loose dog. RP does not want prosecution. Dog owner spoken to and admonished.”
14:06 - Loyalton caller advised on handling a possible email scam. Sometimes, I wish we could go back to the days before email! But I remember early email days and how excited I was whenever I got home, logged in, and heard, “You’ve Got Mail!” The dial-up tone and the irritation of the snail-paced internet are not missed!
21:16 - USFS notified of an abandoned vehicle in Pike.
Thursday, October 31
10:53 - Probation conducting searches around Rough and Ready.
11:02 - Cattle on a Loyalton road will be round up by owner. Huh. CHP is not mentioned. Guess they got a break from cow duties!
18:32 - Reported vehicle speeding through Loyalton neighborhood departed the area.
21:35 - “911- Report of a silver Jeep swerving in Loyalton. Deputy was unable to locate such vehicle description in the town of Loyalton.”
Friday, November 1
11:51 - Caltrans notified of trash along Highway 89.
12:29 - What the dickens? “Report of indecent exposure and public nudity” somewhere in the bushes between “White’s and the Post Office,” in Loyalton. Course, I had to make some inquiries on this entry. Suffice it to say, if you can’t wait till you get home, make every effort to be concealed should you attempt to empty the contents of your bladder in nature, though bushes between two buildings in a town is a bit of a stretch. But folks are going to do what they gotta do, I suppose!
15:52 - Meanwhile, in Sierraville: “Family disturbance, non-criminal, parties are calm and separated.” With Thanksgiving fast approaching, I’m blessed there aren’t any drama llamas at my house! Well, that’s not entirely true; the cat is all drama these days, though he is around 19 years old. Our sports writer, Tessa, paid me a favor letting my dog outside when I was out of town. Tessa remarked that our cat looked like a Halloween cat! She’s right. Sadly, Krusher (with a K) looks like a bag of bones in his old age. He forgets where to eat, so I pick him up several times daily to take him to his food. I suppose he is entitled to some moments of grumpiness! So when Admiral Krusher is not attacking the dog or meowing at the top of his lungs demanding, only God knows what, our home is one of peace. May your upcoming weeks also be filled with peace and joy as you count your blessings!
16:44 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.
21:32 -What in tarnation? “Report of juvenile receiving threatening text messages. Deputy spoke with the parent and a case will be generated. Regarding my kids and their welfare and safety, the sentiments expressed on one of my most comfortable t-shirts, which applies to many life circumstances, also fits the bill: “Underestimate me; that’ll be fun.” May that kid be kept safe and the adults exert wisdom and self-control! No doubt there are many good folks sitting in jail because self-control was not applied in one critical moment. Parenting is not for the faint of heart. Neither is being a kid in 2024!
Saturday, November 2
01:54 - After speaking to a deputy, driver a broken-down vehicle in Plumas County will return tomorrow to retrieve the vehicle.
03:38 - Information from Beckwourth 911 call from Beckwourth area relayed to Plumas County Sheriff’s Office.
12:55 - Reported possible overdose in Pike; fortunately not the case.
12:59 - Seems the Blotter can’t escape a report of lost property, this time in Downieville. I wonder how many minutes of the day I spend trying to find my glasses or my cell phone. Having been an analyst in a prior life, I would love some statistics on the amount of time daily wasted consequences of my continual misplacement of these items!
13:41 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.
14:16 - Deputy assisted with deer tag validation at Diablo Campground.
23:39 - Calpine resident being transported to Portola via ambulance.
Sunday, November 3
10:52 - Tree down across Pike road. That ain’t good!
11:00 - Hunter around Sierra City requesting deer tag validation.
11:59 - Ambulance requested in Pike.
12:04 - A sage soul once said, “Naked people, alcohol, drugs, and mental health (issues) are not a good combination.” Amen to that! And so this entry finds one having all sorts of issues at the Sierraville Hot Springs, departing the location after being escorted to their car by a deputy.
13:34 - Report of illegal burn pile in Sierra City. Good grief Charlie Brown! Speaking of Charlie Brown, I am endeared to the movie “Race for Your Life Charlie Brown,” which I watched on VHS as a kid every holiday season. I thoroughly enjoyed playing the movie this weekend as I dragged out the Christmas tree to decorate. Took a while to get hubby on board but, when he got with the program, he excelled in every expectation! I planted the decorating seeds earlier in the day, sending him this meme: “No one is skipping Thanksgiving. Here’s how it goes: Oct 1-Oct 31= Halloween. Nov 1-Nov 27= Christmas. Nov 28=THANKSGIVING. Nov 29-Dec 25=Christmas” Course, he exclaimed, “This is dumb!” ignorant of the fact I was preparing him for what lay ahead! My daughter insisted we have a 1980’s-looking- everything goes tree she sees in her favorite Christmas movies, instead of the elegant white-lit tree to which I have become accustomed. Hubby greatly assisted in the endeavor and somehow made the normally tacky blue and silver garland, not used in decades, and gold beads look amazing with 1,000 mismatched ornaments! Good times!
13:55 - Welfare check in Sierraville results in one transported to the hospital.
15:04 - Smoke observed on lookout camera out of county east side of Beckwourth Peak.
17:59 - Ambulance requested in Sierraville.
19:47 - Accidental 911 call Sierra City.
Total reported: 41
March 11, 2025
A new California law mandates secure storage of firearms at home. It could face legal challenges next year.
March 12, 2025
March 7, 2025
March 12, 2025
March 5, 2025