Sheriff’s Blotter

August 14, 2024

Monday, August 5

06:00 - CHP notified of possible drunk driver in Plumas County.

06:55 - Non-injury crash in Sierra City.

08:57 - Accidental 911 call near Sierra City.

10:57 - Vandalism reported in Loyalton.

14:53 - Coroner’s case in Pike. Hospice patient. Condolences.

18:35 - Loyalton individual will self transport to the ER.

18:38 - Kern County party referred to their agency for domestic violence issue.

20:21 - Cows enjoying some freedom in Vinton. CHP notified.

20:26 - Lost set of keys reported around Bassetts.

22:30 - Cell phone dropped in Loyalton trigged 911 call. No emergency.

23:53 - Loganville Campground: “A Deputy responded and was able to get the bear out of dumpster, just for the bear to come back and get back inside the dumpster. The Deputy was again able to get the bear out of the dumpster.”

Tuesday, August 6

10:32 - Property check requested at the Downieville ATM after power outage.

12:15 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.

12:54 - Traffic offense in Sierraville.

15:14 - Report of dog outside a vehicle “all by itself” at Goodyears Bar. I hope readers are enjoying the pet column by Logan Kinneer and learn a thing or two!

19:12 - Two trucks collided in Nevada County with one truck sliding into a Sierra County deputy’s vehicle resulting in minimal damage.

21:59 - Multiple illegal campfires in the Indian Valley area were extinguished after the USFS and a deputy arrived.

23:07 - Traffic stop near Verdi resulted in one arrested on a Sierra County warrant.

Wednesday, August 7

12:24 - Injured bird in Loyalton with missing wing and eye. Caller trying to find sanctuary that would take it.

13:18 - Report of Sierra City person feeling wild life. GEEZ!

13:30 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.

13:51 - Bear breaking into woodshed in Sierraville.

15:18 - Bear returns to attack chicken coop in Verdi.

15:39 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.

17:30 - CHP and deputies on look out for folks involved in a possible highway shooting in Nevada County.

18:41 - Trespassing issue in Loyalton.

19:35 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.

19:47 - Welfare check in Downieville ended well when the cyclist checked in with the worrying party.

Thursday, August 8

07:43 - Lodgers at Wayne Brown Correctional Facility transported to court.

08:51 - Bear getting into trash near Longhorn.

13:19 - Traffic stop near Loyalton found one on probation with drug paraphernalia yet testing negative to being under any influence. Individual was released per Plumas County’s instructions.

14:02 - Deceased deer on property around Longhorn Drive.

15:02 - Lift assistance needed in Loyalton.

17:08 - Non injury crash near Sierra City.

17:46 - Vehicle possibly scraped the guardrail near the Hospital Bridge in Downieville.

17:52 - Deputy answered citizen’s questions in Sierra City.

Friday, August 9

10:39 - CHP notified of possible reckless driver in Susanville.

10:51 - One holding a “need help sign” in Downievlle was not located by deputy.

12:53 - Ambulance requested near Longhorn Drive.

15:25 - Camper moved out of the way for trash pick up near Frontage Road.

16:31 - Coroner’s case involving a Downieville resident. Information not available at this time. Condolences.

16:41 - Deputy assisted citizen near Sattley.

19:38 - Deputy found reported “aggressive” canine in Downieville to be anything but the sort.

20:11 - Expired registration citation issued in Loyalton.

22:57 - Deputy removed fence blocking roadway in Loyalton.

23:00 - Deputy unable to locate reported reckless driver in Loyalton.

23:25 - One out of Reno experiencing a mental health crisis.

Saturday, August 10

08:29 - USFS handling campers at Logger Campground who appear to think they are above the law in not heeding to rules from the camp host and it is reported they allowed their dog to go after the host. If this is indeed the case, I implore these folks to pack their crap and leave Sierra County! Some come here and act like they own the place, got no sense, and either weren’t raised right or tossed out all their instilled education on how to conduct themselves in public! To those rather amiable and accountable folks who visit Sierra County, we say thank you!

09:24 - Sierra County officers help out Plumas County with an event.

09:28 - Civil dispute in Calpine over “easement use.”

09:41 - Missing juveniles near Whistle Pump Loop site were located.

10:00 - Ambulance requested at Pilot Lake Camp.

11:01 - Welfare check ended on a high note in Sierra City.

11:50 - Civil issues arise in Pike.

12:05 - Injured mountain biker with broken arm in Downieville.

12:37 - Gold Lake Road: “Officer Cruz with the Sac CHP assisted a motorist with getting a tow truck for a blown out tire.”

14:07 - Ambulance requested at the Sierra City Country Store. Individual with cut hand (hope it wasn’t someone slicing deli meat). Those sandwiches Larry makes are divine!

15:03 - Warnings issued to reckless driver in Loyalton.

15:26 - Illegal campfire around Stampede proved to be a BBQ. Recently learned some view firing up the BBQ hot dogs and hamburgers is merely “grilling” and is not worthy of the term “barbecuing.” One summer I put a couple of hot dogs on our BBQ grill and within two minutes one of the hugest bears I have seen in Downieville was walking by. Good times!

16:10 - CHP Officer Cruz to the rescue once again, this time helping a motorist locked out of their vehicle.

17:18 - Deputies unable to locate anyone on “fishing from the bridge” in Downieville.

23:37 - Deputy made contact with an illegal camper near Goodyears Bar.

Sunday, August 11

04:39 - Possible overdose outside county referred to proper organization.

09:06 - Fire Department assisted Loyaltonian.

10:51 - Caller curious about helicopter flying over Goodyears Bar. PG&E and AT&T conducting business.

12:13 - Traffic hazard around Sierraville.

14:44 - “Report of property damage and shots fired out of county” at Hobart Mills Shooting Range.

14:46 - Lift assistance requested in Loyalton.

16:05 - Another lift assistance requested in Loyalton.

16:24 - Possible evacuation of Truckee jail due to fires in the area.

19:27 - “Deputy Berg also inquired with me if there is a ‘Clampers Clubhouse’ in Sierraville. I advised him that I am not aware of one.”

20:27 - Possible fire evacuations on Nevada side of Verdi.

20:32 - Accidental 911 call from one in Loyalton riding a bike.

20:58 - “A 911 text was received from a person who had ran out of gas on Jackson Meadows Rd. The driver was able to make it to a gas station to get gas.”

Total reported: 74, Bears: 4, Dogs: 2, Cows: 1 , Deer: 1

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