December 18, 2024
Monday, December 9
04:05 - Medical calls and control burns dominate this week’s Blotter. Kicking things off at this early hour, an ambulance is requested in Calpine.
09:01 - Notification of control burn around Truckee.
09:18 - Notification of control burn in Pike.
12:46 - CHP assisted over heated vehicle issue near Sierra City.
15:54 - 775 Off Road & Recovery crossed into CA once again to bail out folks stuck in the snow, this time at the Gold Lake boat ramp. Check out this heroic non-profit at
17:19 - Ambulance requested in Downieville.
21:21 - Citizen cut tree blocking roadway near Sierra City.
Tuesday, December 10
01:08 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.
07:28 - Ambulance requested in Sierraville.
08:23 - Notification of controlled burn near Donner Lake.
09:01 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.
09:10 - “Agency assisted with Care Flight” in Downieville.
10:40 - Notification of controlled burn in Loyalton.
11:10 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.
12:34 - 911 test calls by a public safety company in Alleghany.
12:58 - Civil service successfully conducted in Pike.
20:23 - Accidental 911 call out of Loyalton.
Wednesday, December 11
07:57 - Notification of controlled burn near Sierra City.
08:37 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.
09:27 - SO checked on recently sold Downieville home.
10:32 - Mountain lion sighting in Sierra City! I’ve seen one big cat in ten years of living here (slowing crossing Hwy 49, glorious!) - when Hubby and I were on our way to Sierra Pines Resort one Thanksgiving. Also, Thanksgiving dinner at the Sierra Pines Resort would have made Grandma proud, God rest her soul. A loving grandma who bakes and cooks from the heart is a blessing that, unfortunately, not everyone experiences - but you can experience the Sierra Pines Resort, and maybe you’ll see a mountain lion on the way!
12:03 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.
Thursday, December 12
04:55 - Lodgers at Wayne Brown transported to court.
13:18 - 911 hangup in Downieville. “Static on the line.”
15:32 - Our Sheriff happened upon a non-injury crash on Hwy 49 near Forest Service Road 09.
16:21 - Possible over-length semi on Hwy 49.
Friday, December 13
04:51 - Loyalton resident encouraged to call back if mysterious knockings at their door return.
13:15 - “Vandalism and trespassing by previously evicted resident” in Loyalton.
13:25 - Notification of controlled burn near Calpine.
13:32 - Ambulance requested in Loylaton.
15:37 - Deputy assists Loyaltonian reported as missing - a misunderstanding.
20:07 - Noises at Loyalton resident’s door may have been due to high wind as no one seemed to be around the premises.
Saturday, December 14
06:08 - Family fight in Calpine will later lead to arrest. Wallet and keys possibly stolen. Again, blood only makes you related, not family. When it comes to relationships, jobs, and more, “What we do not change, we choose!” Chew on that for a minute, then swallow a strong dose of accountability! This entry reminds me of the “upcoming transition of Commissioner John ‘Jason’ LaChance to serve as Superior Court Judge.” Commissioner LaChance was elected on March 5, 2024, and will officially be sworn in on Monday, January 6, 2025, at 11:00 AM - and could be the judge on this case!
07:47 - “Tree branch blocking Hwy 49” near Sierra City.
10:59 - Dogs at large around Downieville. No surprise there.
13:04 - CHP handled vehicle crash in Sierra City.
18:18 - CHP notified of traffic hazard on Hwy 70.
20:37 - Back to the family fight in Calpine. One arrested on charges surrounding violating court orders and domestic violence/spousal abuse.
20:51 - Multiple vehicles sliding around on icy I80. CHP on it!
Sunday, December 15
03:21 - Deputy checked a Downieville parking lot for damage after over-length semi turned around.
10:36 - Traffic hazard reported on Hwy 49 in Downieville.
12:19 - Parking issue near Little Truckee Summit involves snowmobilers. Snowmobiling sounds fun! BUT, not a fan of snow past the first day, OR camping in the summer for endless reasons! Granted, a zombie apocalypse could force me into the wild, but until then, certain activities are a hard pass! Stay safe, snowmobilers! Check out or (530) 994-3522... they’re great!
13:32 -Accidental 911 in Loyalton.
18:08 - Downieville resident on Gold Bluff Road passed away. Condolences. My 5th-grade son is mourning the loss of his classmate Jaxson, who died last week from brain cancer. Josiah said, “I’m too shocked to cry.” That’s heavy. Yes, many are mourning losses - so don’t be a jerk face! Return your cart, don’t scream at the barista, grocery, or retail clerk, back off the driver ahead of you, and be patient at your post office waiting in line!
Total Reported: 44
March 24, 2025
PUSD faces a $3 million deficit, approving mass layoffs of 29 staff to avoid state takeover.
March 25, 2025
March 19, 2025
March 18, 2025
March 19, 2025