December 11, 2024
Monday, December 2
09:48 - Possible abandoned vehicle in Sattley.
12:35 - Assistance requested to unlock a vehicle.
15:37 - CHP notified of parking issue at Hansen Bridge in Downieville.
16:13 - 775 Off Road & Recovery came to the rescue of folks stuck in the snow off of Gold Lake Road.
18:16 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.
Tuesday, December 3
06:17 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.
06:18 - Same call as previous.
08:47 - One arrested in Loyalton after a call regarding Domestic Violence.
09:55 - Report of abandoned vehicle in Verdi.
10:30 - Probation conducting searches outside the county.
12:08 - Report of tree leaning near a home in Susanville.
12:29 - CHP assisted folks stuck in the snow up Lavezzola Road in Downieville.
14:55 - Plumas County handling folks stuck in the snow on Gold Lake Road closer to their border.
16:11 - Welfare check request in Loyalton resulted in party found fine, just sleeping. I think a nap sounds like an excellent idea!
Wednesday, December 4
00:05 - Traffic violation in Sparks; expired registration.
08:52 - Probation notified of juvenile problem in Loyalton.
09:22 - “Report of two loose dogs running on the highway near Coyoteville.”
16:19 - “Report of dogs at large. An ongoing issue” in Downieville.
17:07 - Civil Standby successfully performed around Sierra Brooks Drive.
17:14 - Sierraville resident instructed to extinguish burn pile- not a burn day.
Thursday, December 5
12:50 - Possible restraining order violation near Sierra Brooks Drive. Investigation will be conducted.
17:45 - Civil Standby requested near Sierra Brooks Drive.
Friday, December 6
10:08 - “A Restrained Party surrendered multiple firearms to the Sheriff’s Office per their Restraining Order” from the Sierra Brooks area.
14:43 - Reportedly stolen vehicle from Sierra County found in Yuba County.
16:40 - Non-registered vehicle in Loyalton was found to “have just been bought from a private seller.”
17:26 - Report generated from Pike of a burn pile on a non-burn day.
19:36 - Ambulance requested near Longhorn Drive.
Saturday, December 7
13:52 - Report of vehicle near Downie House “may interfere with larger emergency vehicles getting past it. CHP to be notified.”
14:29 - Animal rescue call; discussion of surrendering fees.
14:55 - Verbal altercation in Downieville near Sheriff’s Office.
15:14 - “Report of a person driving that shouldn’t be driving.”
15:45 - 775 Off Road & Recovery bailed out more stuck in the snow, this time around Forest Road. Just a friendly reminder: This non-profit group out of the State of Nevada crosses state lines to help folks in our county get out of the snow and mud - and runs off donations. Don’t forget about these heroes:
15:46 - SO assisted with traffic control during Loyalton parade.
20:53 - “Report of individual possibly driving drunk, before Deputy was able to respond, the driver was already back home.”
Sunday, December 8
09:26 - Ambulance requested in Downieville.
10:54 - Possible restraining order violation in Downieville.
13:03 - Citizen assisted in the Courthouse Square in Downieville.
16:55 - Lift assistance requested in Loyalton.
My lands, were there really no cows in the road last week?
Total Reported: 38
March 24, 2025
PUSD faces a $3 million deficit, approving mass layoffs of 29 staff to avoid state takeover.
March 25, 2025
March 19, 2025
March 18, 2025
March 19, 2025