Sheriff’s Blotter, 1/13 – 1/19

January 23, 2025

Monday, January 13

03:13 - A pack of mountain lions descends into Downieville, and the result thereof leaves tragedy all around. Readers should refer to last week’s informative article by our esteemed editor, Ryan Steinwert- a story picked up by multiple news outlets nationwide.

09:46 - Unsuccessful civil service in Pike.

09:48 - Unsuccessful civil service in Camptonville.

09:59 - Another civil service was attempted in Pike.

10:42 - Reckless driver reported in Sierraville.

11:02 - Mental health crisis in Pike.

11:26 - Mountain lion call. Refer to last week’s edition.

12:01 - Property check requested in Downieville.

13:11 - USFS requested info on individual with several restraining orders issued against him.

13:15 - “Confidential investigation.”

13:54 - 911 test calls in progress at the Sheriff’s Office.

14:26 - Concern over friend broke down at a truck stop. No truck stops in our county.

14:32 - Reported restraining order violation in Loyalton.

15:24 - Fish and Wildlife conducting surveys in various spots.

15:40 -Public park shut down over mountain lions. Read last week’s article.

16:27 - Another mountain lion call.

17:26 - Ambulance requested in Sierra Brooks.

19:19 - Welfare check requests for one in Alleghany.

Tuesday, January 14

08:14 - F&W conducting more surveys in the county.

15:02 - Control burn in Sierraville.

15:34 - Persons knocking on Loyalton doors were actually legit, though it helps to have identification when making the rounds.

15:41 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.

16:07 -Mountain lion took a cat from Loyalton neighborhood right after school was out. Yikes!

17:15 - Deputies and CHP working together in Chilcoot.

Wednesday, January 15

08:03 - Civil service requested in Loyalton.

09:24 - Controlled burn near Stampede.

12:02 - SO collaborates with another county seeking info.

17:51 - Possible abandoned vehicle near Loyalton.

18:09 - Probation violation near North San Juan leads to arrest.

18:26 - Reported threatening behavior in Downieville documented.

19:39 - Traffic stop near SB 395 leaves one arrested and held in Plumas County over possible controlled substance and weapons.

Thursday, January 16

07:58 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.

10:33 - Mountain lion spotted in a Sierra City yard.

12:20 - Downieville parking issue was soon resolved.

13:58 - Controlled burn in Sierraville.

14:44 - Fraud investigation ongoing over company fuel card.

15:32 - CHP notified of vehicle accident near Susanville.

16:50 - Speeding driver late to work given verbal warning. Once, I was speeding over Downieville’s Durgan Flat Bridge when CHP pulled me over close to my house, which was a tad embarrassing because I was married to a deputy at the time. I didn’t know who the officer was, and I did NOT insert my spouse’s name into the conversation, who was about to be walking out our door for his shift. The officer asked why I was speeding, and I replied, “I have to pee!” After running all my info, he gave me a justified warning about speeding, especially during tourist season, then said, “Say hello to Darby for me.” Don’t name drop. Take consequences you deserve with grace- sometimes we get mercy with receiving only a warning.

19:27 - Claim jumping issue around Cold Cash #1 Mine.

23:09 - Squabble at a Pike residence over before the law arrived.

23:13 - Party stuck in the snow near Webber Road freed themselves.

Friday, January 17

10:16 - Driver cited for speeding and unlawful possession of cannabis near Loyalton.

11:49 - Controlled burn in Sierraville.

12:00 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.

17:03 - Loose dogs in Sierra Brooks.

17:24 - A probationer “assigned to the Salvation Army house in Reno” was found once again living in the forest. Ambulance was requested.

18:05 - Restraining order violation reported in Loyalton.

18:28 - One arrested near Truckee violating probation.

18:39 - Verbal warning issued to distracted driver near Plumas County.

22:18 - Mountain lion sighted Church Street, Loyalton.

23:28 - Lift assistance requested in Loyalton.

Saturday, January 18

10:20 - Loyalton Landfill employee reportedly harassed by a local. Be

11:40 - CHP notified of vehicle over embankment near Sattley for possibly two weeks.

12:49 - Same as previous call.

15:59 - Accidental Apple watch 911 call off of Longhorn Drive.

16:23 - CHP notified of non-injury of road vehicle accident near Bordertown.

17:03 - Restraining order is in process after report of “threats to life” in Sierra City.

23:11 - Owner will retrieve vehicle tomorrow around 1st Divide in Downieville after non-injury accident in the forest.

Sunday, January 19

07:09 -F&W surveys in Sierraville.

08:10 - Reported restraining order violation in Sierra City.

08:37 - Multiple control burns in Verdi.

10:21 - Trespassing reported near Empire Ranch.

10:46 - Civil standby performed in Loyalton.

11:53 - Dog loose in Sierraville.

22:52 - Loyaltonian locked out of residence found keys.

Total Reported: 65

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