Monday, January 13
03:13 - A pack of mountain lions descends into Downieville, and the result thereof leaves tragedy all around. Readers should refer to last week’s informative article by our esteemed editor, Ryan Steinwert- a story picked up by multiple news outlets nationwide.
09:46 - Unsuccessful civil service in Pike.
09:48 - Unsuccessful civil service in Camptonville.
09:59 - Another civil service was attempted in Pike.
10:42 - Reckless driver reported in Sierraville.
11:02 - Mental health crisis in Pike.
11:26 - Mountain lion call. Refer to last week’s edition.
12:01 - Property check requested in Downieville.
13:11 - USFS requested info on individual with several restraining orders issued against him.
13:15 - “Confidential investigation.”
13:54 - 911 test calls in progress at the Sheriff’s Office.
14:26 - Concern over friend broke down at a truck stop. No truck stops in our county.
14:32 - Reported restraining order violation in Loyalton.
15:24 - Fish and Wildlife conducting surveys in various spots.
15:40 -Public park shut down over mountain lions. Read last week’s article.
16:27 - Another mountain lion call.
17:26 - Ambulance requested in Sierra Brooks.
19:19 - Welfare check requests for one in Alleghany.
Tuesday, January 14
08:14 - F&W conducting more surveys in the county.
15:02 - Control burn in Sierraville.
15:34 - Persons knocking on Loyalton doors were actually legit, though it helps to have identification when making the rounds.
15:41 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.
16:07 -Mountain lion took a cat from Loyalton neighborhood right after school was out. Yikes!
17:15 - Deputies and CHP working together in Chilcoot.
Wednesday, January 15
08:03 - Civil service requested in Loyalton.
09:24 - Controlled burn near Stampede.
12:02 - SO collaborates with another county seeking info.
17:51 - Possible abandoned vehicle near Loyalton.
18:09 - Probation violation near North San Juan leads to arrest.
18:26 - Reported threatening behavior in Downieville documented.
19:39 - Traffic stop near SB 395 leaves one arrested and held in Plumas County over possible controlled substance and weapons.
Thursday, January 16
07:58 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.
10:33 - Mountain lion spotted in a Sierra City yard.
12:20 - Downieville parking issue was soon resolved.
13:58 - Controlled burn in Sierraville.
14:44 - Fraud investigation ongoing over company fuel card.
15:32 - CHP notified of vehicle accident near Susanville.
16:50 - Speeding driver late to work given verbal warning. Once, I was speeding over Downieville’s Durgan Flat Bridge when CHP pulled me over close to my house, which was a tad embarrassing because I was married to a deputy at the time. I didn’t know who the officer was, and I did NOT insert my spouse’s name into the conversation, who was about to be walking out our door for his shift. The officer asked why I was speeding, and I replied, “I have to pee!” After running all my info, he gave me a justified warning about speeding, especially during tourist season, then said, “Say hello to Darby for me.” Don’t name drop. Take consequences you deserve with grace- sometimes we get mercy with receiving only a warning.
19:27 - Claim jumping issue around Cold Cash #1 Mine.
23:09 - Squabble at a Pike residence over before the law arrived.
23:13 - Party stuck in the snow near Webber Road freed themselves.
Friday, January 17
10:16 - Driver cited for speeding and unlawful possession of cannabis near Loyalton.
11:49 - Controlled burn in Sierraville.
12:00 - Ambulance requested in Loyalton.
17:03 - Loose dogs in Sierra Brooks.
17:24 - A probationer “assigned to the Salvation Army house in Reno” was found once again living in the forest. Ambulance was requested.
18:05 - Restraining order violation reported in Loyalton.
18:28 - One arrested near Truckee violating probation.
18:39 - Verbal warning issued to distracted driver near Plumas County.
22:18 - Mountain lion sighted Church Street, Loyalton.
23:28 - Lift assistance requested in Loyalton.
Saturday, January 18
10:20 - Loyalton Landfill employee reportedly harassed by a local. Be
11:40 - CHP notified of vehicle over embankment near Sattley for possibly two weeks.
12:49 - Same as previous call.
15:59 - Accidental Apple watch 911 call off of Longhorn Drive.
16:23 - CHP notified of non-injury of road vehicle accident near Bordertown.
17:03 - Restraining order is in process after report of “threats to life” in Sierra City.
23:11 - Owner will retrieve vehicle tomorrow around 1st Divide in Downieville after non-injury accident in the forest.
Sunday, January 19
07:09 -F&W surveys in Sierraville.
08:10 - Reported restraining order violation in Sierra City.
08:37 - Multiple control burns in Verdi.
10:21 - Trespassing reported near Empire Ranch.
10:46 - Civil standby performed in Loyalton.
11:53 - Dog loose in Sierraville.
22:52 - Loyaltonian locked out of residence found keys.
Total Reported: 65
January 27, 2025
The Fix Our Forests Act passes Congress, aiming to expedite forest management and reduce wildfire risk.
February 3, 2025
January 30, 2025
January 30, 2025
January 28, 2025