Protect Our Youth from Vape (Tobacco) Addiction

August 5, 2024

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my deep concern about the alarming rates of tobacco use among young people in our community. As a concerned citizen, I believe it is imperative that we take immediate action to address this pressing public health crisis.

Vapes (E-Cigarettes) are being used by our children at alarming rates. It has been reported that children in our community as young as elementary school age are being caught vaping at school. Vapes are being purchased by youth right here in our beautiful communities. When this information is shared, too quickly people want to blame the child, the parents or the school, when the only one to blame is Big Tobacco! They have targeted the younger consumer. Our children need our help. As a community we can create policies to protect the youth.

The negative consequences of tobacco use on young people are well-documented, including:

Brain: Nicotine permanently rewires the brain, putting it more at risk for addiction to other substances — this is particularly true for kids and young adults. Vaping also increases your risk of having a stroke. People who vape are more likely to experience strokes even younger than cigarette smokers. Stroke survivors have a significantly greater risk of dying prematurely.

Heart: Vaping increases the risk of a heart attack.

Lungs: Vaping increases your risk of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, bronchitis, lipoid pneumonia, and may increase your risk of lung cancer. Plus, vapes may cause “popcorn lung” which results in chronic coughing, wheezing, chest pain, and shortness of breath.

Vaping is also associated with mental health challenges. Research shows that vaping nicotine amplifies anxiety symptoms and feelings of depression. Vaping nicotine also increases mood swings and irritability, and is associated with increased learning difficulties.

We have to do something! I urge our elected officials and community leaders to prioritize this issue and take bold action to protect our children and young adults from the devastating effects of tobacco addiction.


Regina Martinez


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