Opening Day 2023 Redeemed

July 13, 2023

Jim Lunetta and Rich Ayala with a few of their catches

Dear Editor,

The Lunetta family has been coming up to Downieville for opening day of fishing for many years. This year was no different. What was different this year was the water level of the river. It was insanely high. Grandma Sally, Grandpa Jim, and their grandsons James (16) and Jacob (13) came up on the last Saturday of April as usual, and even though they knew the river was high, they tried and got skunked. They didn’t catch one fish.

So this last week, they came up to try to redeem themselves. The Lunettas aren’t used to getting skunked! This time only Grandma Sally and Grandpa Jim could make the trip, and they were joined by their lifelong friend Rich Ayala on the last morning.

The water was still a little high for the end of June, but it was perfect for fishing. Jim headed out to his favorite spot the first morning to start the day. When asked where that fishing hole is exactly, he likes to say, “I’d tell you but I’d have to kill you,” so we don’t ask.

After only three casts, a beautiful 19-inch native Rainbow trout was pulled from the river. A good start to the trip! After pulling out two more from the hole, it was time to move on to the next favorite spot. Again, I can’t tell you where. One Brown Trout and one Rainbow were caught and released at that spot.

Several more were caught and released at various spots along the river the rest of the morning and the next day. Fishing was good!

On the last morning of the trip, Jim was joined by his close friend Rich. They went out early to the same hole where the 19-incher was caught two days before. On his second cast, Rich pulled out another beautiful 19-inch Rainbow! Unbelievable! After catching a couple more there, they moved to several other spots catching fish along the way. The last spot they fished, Jim caught another 19-incher! For some reason, 19 seemed to be the number of the trip.

So the Lunettas redeemed themselves from getting skunked on Opening Day 2023. A good time was had by all, and the trip to Downieville was one to remember.

Jim Lunetta

Colfax Ca

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