Perhaps you didn’t know they were gone. That might be something you would only have discovered, if you had attempted to order a book from the library that wasn’t already in the collection. You see, the Zip Book program provides for the Plumas County Library to order books not already in their collection, upon the request of a patron. The book is mailed directly to the patron’s address from the purchase source. Upon finishing reading the book, the patron “returns” it to the branch or station through which the order was placed, so that the book can then go into the collection for others to read.
It seems that, a few months ago, the Plumas County Library (of which all libraries in Sierra County are stations) ran out of money in the Zip Book program. Thus, no Zip book orders. Now, however, that funding has been restored, and the program is ready to take your order.
There are, of course (remember, we’re dealing with governmental agencies here) a few caveats: (1) you must have a valid library card in order to place a request; (2) patrons can order up to 4 books per month, but must return a previously ordered book before requesting a new one; and, (3) patrons’ households are limited to 8 book requests per month. Zip book requests can be for either print books or audio books. So, now you know….
I reported on this offering at the Downieville Library a few months ago, but thought it could be useful to remind you of it again. “Libraries with Heart” is a program whereby a patron can check out a blood pressure kit so that you can take your own blood pressure at home. The kit includes the equipment needed to take a blood pressure, as well as instructions, forms, and other information to assist you in the task. Written material is provided in both English and Spanish. There is a blood pressure kit available to be checked out at all the Sierra County libraries (Alleghany, Downieville, Loyalton, and Sierra City).
Also reported earlier is the fact that the library has available passes to more than 200 California State Parks. The passes are valid for entry of one passenger vehicle, with a capacity of nine people or less, or one highway-licensed motorcycle. We have a number of these passes at the Downieville Library, waiting to be checked out. However, I just discovered a note on the Plumas County Library website that, due to loss of funding, access to this resource will be discontinued on December 31, 2024. So, now is the time to check out a pass, and go visit the state park(s) of your choice.
Occasionally, I think, it’s helpful to remind ourselves of how to find a library when we need or want one. So, here (again) are the libraries in Sierra County:
Location: 100 Hope Lane, Alleghany
Hours: 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month, 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Location: 318 Commercial Street, Downieville
Hours: Tuesdays, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM; Thursdays, noon to 4:00 PM
Library@Nite: 3rd Monday of each month, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Location: 511 Main Street, Loyalton
Hours: Wednesdays & Thursdays, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Sierra City
Location: 317 Main Street, Sierra City
Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 11:30 AM to 3:30 PM
March 7, 2025
Kathy Fischer marks 40 years as Downieville Day Spa owner, serving generations of community beauty needs.
March 5, 2025
March 6, 2025
March 6, 2025
March 3, 2025