Oktoberfest in Sierra City

October 12, 2023

SandySander_OnlyPersonWearingAppropriateGarb.jpgSandy Sanders displaying his Oktoberfest spiritSIERRA CITY — This past Saturday, October 7, the 22nd Annual Oktoberfest was held in Sierra City, and no one could have asked for a more perfect autumn day. The sky was clear and deeply blue, and a very light breeze brought warm, not hot, air to those who attended the affair.

The event, organized this year by the Sierra City Improvement Group (they provided the beer and a musician performing atop a classic, old VW bus), the Sierra Pines Resort (they supplied the bratwursts), and the Sierra County Chamber of Commerce who recruited 22 vendors, scored a “great turnout,” according to Linda Voracek who was responsible to the Chamber of Commerce’s booth.

All funds raised by sales of brats, beer, and raffle tickets will be given to the Sierra City Fire Department.SCChamberBoothDaveManning_Musician_AtopVW.jpgDave Manning plays keyboard and sings atop his VW busDaveyScott.jpgDavey Scott rides a penny-farthing down Sierra City's Main Street

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