NEVADA COUNTY — “Vibrant!” That might not be the first adjective that occurs when you think of the League of Women Voters (LWV), but Lynn Forbes, co-president of the Nevada County (NevCo) chapter, recently stressed that the local non-profit has emerged from the COVID pandemic energized, organized and relevant.
Strictly non-partisan, the national League of Women Voters was founded in 1920, the year American women got the right to vote; it supported women in registering to vote and becoming educated citizens. Fast forward: by 1984, the Nevada County chapter was fully established, and today, it has grown to about 100 members; about 500 supporters receive the newsletter. Are they largely “boring, old women?” Don’t you believe it!
After a year of thoughtful, focused internal updating, the NevCo LWV is fully involved in the 2024 election cycle. It offers refreshed materials in both English and Spanish and a strictly neutral series of forums on candidates and ballot propositions. Videos of recent forums are readily available at the chapter’s website:, which offers a rich, unbiased source of many kinds of non-partisan political information relevant far beyond the boundaries of a single county. Another area chapter based in Plumas County is accessible at
When asked specifically why the LWV never holds a candidate forum without all contenders participating, Forbes explained that giving some candidates the opportunity to respond to questions while others could not, wouldn’t preserve the League’s commitment to impartiality, wouldn’t give voters a “true perspective.” In addition, it would violate federal communications regulations.
“Vote!” was Forbes’ principal message. She said, “Not voting is letting someone else make a decision for you.” Forbes emphasized that while national contests generate a lot of interest, “local elections are just as important. They are a wonderful opportunity to make a difference locally.”
From youth just coming up on their first voting opportunity, to more established citizens, LWV offers information on getting registered and making sure your registration is current. Outreach to young voters has included six recent local scholarships, frequent visits to campuses to talk about voting, and (drumroll, please…) a TikTok presence!
Proud of Nevada County’s higher-than-average voter turnout, Forbes emphasized the value of motivating more citizens to register and to vote. League supporters will consider the election season successful if a larger-than-average percentage of eligible voters of all ages turns out on November 5.
Forbes also mentioned that, despite its name, the League of Women Voters welcomes members of any gender. Men, she says, are attracted by the same mission of informing voters that draws women.
Bottom line: The lively Nevada County League of Women Voters urges all citizens to register. Take advantage of impartial, non-partisan information… and then vote on November 5.
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