Fireless Fireworks are rolled out on Main Street
Fireless Fireworks led the parade this year and also ended the parade with a big BANG! Parade excitement grew as the crowd cheered as the three rolls of bubble wrap marched down Main at the beginning of the parade. At the end of the parade, the crowd eagerly got up and stomped on the rolled-out bubble wrap until almost every bubble was popped. The noise was as loud as firecrackers; the laughter and smiles were contagious. What JOY!
This year assisting Dan and Ingrid, the founders of the Fireless Fireworks, were Fisher Galan and Lincoln Galan (Mike and Karen Galan’s grandsons), Roy Ward and his son Garrett, Tim Alexander, and Larry Heine and Jackie Marovich of Lake County.
A huge THANK YOU to the individuals, local businesses, and organizations who generously donated to cover the cost: Downieville Fire Auxiliary; Downieville Lions Club; Downieville Improvement Group (DIG); Downieville Grocery; Two Rivers Café; Downieville Outfitters; Sabrina’s at the Forks; Riverside Mountain Lodge; Carriage House; Boomtown Lounge and Backyard; Earlene Folsom; Bill and Sheryl Pangman; Larry Heine and Jackie Marovich; and all of you who donated your coins and dollars through the Fireless Fireworks tubs at Sierra Hardware and Downieville Grocery.
Because the generous donations exceeded the $576.26 cost, the excess of $300 was given to Sierra Hardware owner Cindy McCreary toward the approximate $500 she spent out of her own pocket for the prizes for the post-parade foot races and rope tow.
Thanks again for everyone’s contribution and participation, including all of you who had so much fun stomping down Main Street with a POP! POP! POP!
And Thank You, The Mountain Messenger, for the front page color photo last week – a testimonial to what we all love about our Fireless Fireworks!
Let’s keep our forest safe; we are already looking forward to next year’s 4th of July parade and festivities and the infamous Fireless Fireworks!!!!
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