Dog Valley Distress 911 Call Yields Arrest

October 7, 2024

DOG VALLEY — On Saturday, October 5th, at approximately 10:59 PM, a man was arrested on charges of Negligent discharge of a firearm, Assault with a deadly weapon, and Child endangerment after several 911 calls were received by the Sierra County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) from a distressed female. The incident occurred near the Dog Valley area in eastern Sierra County.

The Washoe County Sheriff’s Office was the initial recipient of the 911 calls and described the first call as having an open line with a female voice in the background stating, “You don’t have to shoot your gun to get their attention” to an unknown party at around 10:59 PM. At 11:09 PM, ten minutes later, another 911 call was received from the same number, at which point the female indicated that someone was pointing a firearm at her. The line remained open, and dispatch overheard a conversation between the female and the unknown party.

Sierra County deputies, assisted by three Washoe County Sheriff units, immediately responded to the phone’s GPS coordinates at a dispersed camping site. They performed a “surround-and-call-out” procedure, during which James Woods, 33, of Reno, Nevada, was detained for further investigation after exiting a vehicle.

It was determined that, although not legally married, the female caller and Woods were together at the campsite with their two children. According to the SCSO, Woods had consumed alcohol, and “at some point during the night, Mr. Woods, in a state of anger, grabbed his pistol and discharged it into the forest.” Woods was arrested and booked into the Nevada County Jail. No physical injuries were reported.

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