October 6, 2022
With tactical support from a CHP helicopter and a Yuba County SWAT team, the Sierra County Sheriff’s Office on Sept. 29 arrested without incident two individuals on felony arrest warrants and two others on lesser charges in Goodyears Bar. Sierra County Sheriff Mike Fisher said that his office obtained arrest warrants related to previous charges for two individuals residing at 20 Coca Cola Avenue—Arin Wharff and Leana Conrady—and a search warrant for the property itself following reports of heavy drug use there. Both individuals were taken into custody as were two others on lesser charges—Robert Wharff and Steiner Knoefler. The search of the property found opioid-based drugs, methamphetamine, and drug paraphernalia, said Sierra County Sheriff Mike Fisher. “There were lots of moving parts to this investigation,” Fisher told The Mountain Messenger. Fisher noted that Arin Wharff was initially involved in a January 2020 criminal identity theft case, in which she stole and cashed checks from Don Russell, previous owner of The Mountain Messenger. He added, “She’s been in and out of drug rehab facilities and throughout this process has essentially continued to get herself in more trouble by not following probation terms and orders.” Leana Conrady has a “violent history of fighting with the Sheriff’s Office over the years” including a charge of assault with a deadly weapon—a car jack—said Fisher. After deputies secured the property, Leana Conrady came out of the residence and was placed under arrest—as were Robert Wharff and Steiner Knoefler. Arin Wharff, however, barricaded herself inside with a juvenile child and refused to comply with lawful orders in what Fisher described as a “delicate and sensitive situation.” The Yuba County SWAT team negotiators engaged in a dialogue with her, and she ultimately surrendered to authorities. Because a child was in the house, “it was not a use of force situation,” noted Fisher. “Time was on our side [and we were able to play] a waiting game.” SWAT team negotiators are specially trained to open up a dialogue and talk with such individuals, he said. Fisher said that during his career with the Sierra County Sheriff’s Office as a deputy, detective, and sheriff, the office has brought in SWAT teams from Yuba, Butte, and Nevada counties in select cases. “We don’t utilize them on a regular basis, and it’s not something we take lightly.” Fisher said the sheriff’s office takes into account such issues as the possibility of violent resistance, the presence of firearms and/or illegal drugs, and the risk of suspects barricading themselves. “We wouldn’t utilize a specialized team unless we were concerned it could go sideways.” Fisher said he was “very pleased with the outcome. Our objective was met. No one—suspects, deputies, or neighbors—was hurt. I call that a win.” Fisher said that the two men, Robert Wharff and Steiner Knoefler, face drug charges of being under the influence of a controlled substance. They both posted bail last Thursday night and were released. Leana Conrady appeared in court on Sept. 30 and is being held on a $50,000 bond at the Nevada County Jail’s Wayne Brown Correctional Facility in Nevada City. Arin Wharff was also arraigned on Sept. 30 and is facing a number of charges, including child endangerment, said Fisher. She is in custody on a no-bail hold, also at the Wayne Brown Correctional Facility, and will in court here on October 13 for a preliminary hearing on these charge. Formal charges against the two women, Leana Conrady and Arin Wharff, are being filed through the Sierra County District Attorney’s Office.
March 11, 2025
A new California law mandates secure storage of firearms at home. It could face legal challenges next year.
March 7, 2025
March 5, 2025
March 6, 2025
March 3, 2025