November 21, 2024
I’m getting into the Thanksgiving spirit. I’ve given the bird to many people in the last week. Kidding! You really can’t do ugly things to people and expect to have a beautiful life. But I’m grateful for humor - like that bird joke. I often find myself laughing about something. Usually, it is a joke or video I find funny on social media. If I am going to be looking at my phone, I avoid doom-scrolling.
Granted, some jokes are a bit much, and I imagine Jesus whispering, “Um…no, Ang…” when I really wanted to share something over the top. Though, I have posted things and was later convicted of taking them down lest I give an account at the pearly gates. Audrey Hepburn’s quote sums it up: “I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it’s the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It’s probably the most important thing in a person.”
Besides humor, I am also profoundly grateful for truth. Truths originate from all walks of life, cultures, backgrounds, and religions. I learn a lot from folks- even those who do not share my love for Jesus. I appreciated the hour-long podcast I listened to by Dr. Becky Kennedy, who discussed parenting strategies and brought the realization that good parenting does not first have the goal of creating “happy children” but raising “resilient children.” I was reminded again of how it is more than okay and needed to say “no” at times, how to avoid or correct entitled behavior, and how to raise children capable of regulating their emotions- so they are emotionally mature adults.
Lord knows this was a timely message because I have spent thousands on my youngest, from instruments to gaming devices. I have allowed him to wheel and deal with promises, which usually involve reading books with me over video chats in exchange for XY&Z. I have caved and made purchases despite his inability to fulfill his reading commitments often. I allowed him to drag reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe; it took forever to finish this book. We still have the entire Harry Potter series to get through, and it’s now going on a year. Dr. Kennedy provided insight and tools to turn things around in how I parent so my son will grow up to be a man who works hard, takes care of his family, and contributes to society- a good human. I am genuinely thankful for Dr. Kennedy’s expertise and truth (I’m also a big fan of Dr. Jordan Peterson).
But humor again descends before I can be too hard on myself for any parent fails. I am comforted with another funny quip I stumbled across: “When someone questions my parenting- well, first of all, Mary and Joseph accidentally lost the 12-year-old son of God for three days…so just meditate on that for a minute..”
Hilarious! And I feel much better! Humor and truth are an excellent combination. Another truth I have fully embraced- especially around the holiday season when many folks feel obligated to spend time with those that are not good to them or for them: Blood does not make you family; blood only makes you related. Family are the people who show love in action- it is that simple.
As Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on our blessings, exhibiting gratitude should be a year-long endeavor. Over the last few decades, I have kept numerous journals denoting everything I am thankful for and the many blessings God has brought my way. Anytime I encounter hard times, I can open one of these journals and read how God showed up in the most loving and incredible ways. Sometimes through miraculous divine intervention, but many times, He shined simply through the kindness, compassion, and generosity of others. For example, Brandt Larsen (who lived in Sierra City) has bequeathed many instruments to me and other musicians in my family. Last year, he mailed me a beautiful and highly expensive ukulele. His generosity overwhelmed me, and I often try to pay these acts forward as gratitude promotes goodwill.
Back to humor- on Monday morning, after I woke up and was in the shower, I realized my hands were solid green. I was freaked out. I thought I was seeing things. Nope, they were green—Army green. With the arrival of the big 50, I am challenged with health issues common to women in my age bracket - recently resulting in multiple ultrasounds and working through one medical thing after another. I rubbed my hands under the hot shower water until they turned back to white, and then I left a message with Dr. Dan.
When Monday night rolled around, and hubby came home from work, and I was telling him my plight about my green hands - he explained the new red and black plaid, 100% cotton sheets I purchased were to blame! Something in the dye was leaving a mark; as he had discovered by not wearing socks to bed, his feet had turned green! We both had a great laugh over this, and thankfully, I will not be sending Dr. Dan on a wild goose chase trying to find a medical cause for green hands. Humor is awesome. Truth is wonderful. Both are gifts from above for which we can be thankful. May you find yourself this Thanksgiving eating, laughing, and having a joyous time with folks who absolutely adore you, those you also highly treasure- those who feel like safety and sunlight whenever they are around.
God is good! Always!
March 24, 2025
PUSD faces a $3 million deficit, approving mass layoffs of 29 staff to avoid state takeover.
March 25, 2025
March 19, 2025
March 18, 2025
March 19, 2025