An Election Column

October 25, 2024

As Election Day nears, I have decided to draft in advance two different columns for the post-election Messenger issue, one for each possible outcome. I have all of next week to think through my observations, but I am a bit anxious writing about it given all the tension and harshness of this election. Forecasting a winner is a bit troubling and puts me in the hot seat. Each side has predicted dire consequences if their opponent is elected. I am more pragmatic and don’t buy into the gloomy prognostications. Millions of early voters have already gone to the polls, so I will take the time now to contemplate the short- and long-term consequences of their choices. This election is different. Not just the personalities, but the vitriolic atmosphere and harsh words, the absence of cordiality and the outright threats are especially disturbing. I hasten to put pen to paper to lay bare my thoughts, but who am I to comment on it? There are countless journalists and columnists who are better wordsmiths. Yet I do have a voice and on occasion am asked my view. I will spend the next week jotting notes to myself about how the world might look on November 6th after one of the candidates is declared winner. Which column is printed won’t be the publisher’s decision, it will be determined by the Americans who go to the polls on November 5th, including you, the voting readers of the Messenger.

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